BIM toolbox Paneltech

BIM TOOLBOX PANELTECH is a solution for architects working in Autodesk Revit, who value their time and wish to create a design with use of sandwich panels and flashings efficiently and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
We are sensible of problems faced day-to-day by architects designing structures with use of sandwich panels. Therefore, with BIM TOOLBOX PANELTECH we make available a suite of advanced tools that support the process of designing, making it simpler and more flexible.
The BIM TOOLBOX PANELTECH consists of 3 elements:
- BIM Paneltech platform, which allows you to browse and download BIM models of sandwich panels and flashings. The application also has an advanced filter which enables proper adjustment of panel to design requirements,
- BIM models of sandwich panels and flashings real-time generated on the platform,
- BIM Paneltech plugin ,which allows to download and use BIM models directly in Autodesk Revit. With this the whole library is accessible from a specific design, and additionally the proprietary plugin provides for a range of features extending design possibilities.
More about bim
What does BIM mean?
BIM stands for Building Information Modelling. It refers to design-support software that works by inserting predefined three-dimensional objects such as walls, roofs, ceilings, windows, etc., and giving them appropriate parameters.
- our BIM models are stored as a material, owing to which there is no problem with wrong distribution of panels when inserting openings, and the number of panels is correctly included in the final bill,
- wide possibilities of configuration of BIM model attributes,
- available free-of-charge plugin with package of features improving work with our BIM models,
- you don’t have to download models to your PC drive, as BIM objects can be implemented from Autodesk Revit.
how to work with the paneltech bim toolbox
- Register on the platform, then download and install the Paneltech BIM plugin on your computer.
- Log in to the plug-in in Revit via the icon in the top bar to use all its functions.
- Select the sandwich panel and flashing models you are interested in for your project.
- Use the helpful tools to streamline your project development process.
- Once you have your design ready, send us a summary of materials using the ‘Quotation’ icon.
How do I use our BIM library directly in Revit?
- Go to or click on the ‘Go to BIM platform’ button.
- Register on the platform.
- Click on the ‘Revit plugin’ button to download the plugin installer to your computer.
- Install the plugin on your computer.
- Start Revit with your project.
- Go to the ‘Paneltech library Browser’ tab and log in by clicking on the icon in the top bar.
Done! Now you can search for and implement sandwich panel and flashing models directly in Autodesk Revit and use the additional features of the Paneltech BIM plug-in.
tutorial videos
Can’t download the plugin? Don’t know how to use our tools? Don’t worry!
We meet the needs of architects and designers, which is why we have prepared instructional videos showing how to design using our library
We describe step by step the work using our plugin, starting from downloading it to your computer, through numbering and labeling boards, ending with sending a ready list of materials for verification.