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Home 9 Flashings


We are a producer of system flashings for sandwich panels.
Paneltech’s flashing production department is equipped with a modern fleet of numerically controlled machines from world-renowned producers, such as Thalmann, Boschert, Jorns, Gasparini, operated by high-class specialists.

The result of combining the exceptional precision of the machines with the use of high-quality materials for production is an aesthetic, functional, durable and fully repeatable product. The wide range of possibilities of our machines makes it possible for us to flexibly adjust to individual needs of our customers concerning the type of metal sheets, dimensions and sections not included in the Paneltech system metal flashing catalogue.

It is possible to powder varnish the galvanised sheet flashings in any colour from the RAL palette. Practical application of flashings is shown in the Paneltech sandwich panels catalogue.

Flashings and accesories

wall flashings
O-001 Plinth trim for Paneltech sandwich panel walls

Drip Edge Flashings

O-011 Internal sill flashing in Paneltech sandwich panel walls

Internal Sill Flashings

O-016 External angle bracket for Paneltech sandwich panel walls

Angle Trims

O-017 Outer corner for Paneltech sandwich panel walls

Corner Flashings

O-025 C-piece starter strip for Paneltech sandwich panels

Channel Flashing

O-026 Paneltech wall flashing

flat bar

O-029 Straight masking panel for wall joints of Paneltech sandwich panels

Cover Trims

O-076 Start strip for horizontally mounted Paneltech wall panel

Starter Strips

roof flashings
O-101 Top ridge - Paneltech roof ridge flashing

Ridge flashing

O-105 Paneltech roof gable without eaves

Verge Flashing

O-110 Gutter hood for Paneltech sandwich panel roofs

Cover Trims

O-110 Gutter hood for Paneltech sandwich panel roofs

Gutter Eaves Flashing

O-111 Snow fence for the Paneltech sandwich panel roof

Snow Guard

O-113 Attic flashing with drip cap for Paneltech sandwich panels

Coping Flashings

O-118 Roof canopy for Paneltech sandwich panels

Drip Edge Flashings

O-117 B Paneltech roof sheeting - connection to wall panel

Roof Cover Trim Strip

O-130 Guttering zetcher for Paneltech sandwich panel roofs

Gutter Z-profiles

O-150 gutter profile for Paneltech sandwich panel roofs

Gutter C-profiles

Roof ridge moulding O-102 for Paneltech sandwich panel roofs

Ridge Trim

UD42 ridge seal for Paneltech sandwich panel roofs

Ridge Roof Seal

Trapezoidal roof cover Z42 for Paneltech sandwich panels

Z42 Roof End Cap

SU washer for Paneltech sandwich panels with concealed fastener

SU washer

Acoustic sealing tape for the installation of Paneltech sandwich panels


Silicone sealant - waterproofing sealant for Paneltech sandwich panels installation

Sealants and Installation Foams

Threaded stud with washer ø 19 mm EPDM - fastening Paneltech sandwich panels to concrete substrate

Joints, Drill Bits, Screws

TLAX insulating panel LAX with EPDM gasket, compatible with SWAL sandwich panel connectors with 16 mm EPDM washer dia.

Bushings, Rivets, Kalottes, Caps

More about flashings


The advantages of Paneltech flashings include.:

  • full compatibility with the Paneltech lightweight cladding system,
  • possibility to use any colour from the RAL palette,
  • a wide range of production possibilities,
  • protection of the object against wind,
  • preservation of the tightness and of the object.


Flashings are primarily used to protect a building from the negative effects of atmospheric agents – mainly moisture in the form of rain or melting snow and wind. The flashings also complement the aesthetics of the entire building.

available lengths

  • Standard in 0.5 – 1.5 mm sheet metal: 3,00 m, 5,00 m i 6,00 m,
  • Non-standard in 0.5 – 1.5 mm sheet metal: from ;0.10 m to 8.00 m depending on flashing shape and sheet thickness,,

Flashings in 0.80 and 1.50 mm stainless steel and 2.00 mm unpainted galvanised sheet metal are manufactured in lengths of up to 4 m.


The price of flashings depends on:

  • the type and thickness of the sheet metal,
  • varnish coating,
  • length and shape of flashing,
  • the size of the order.
  • RAL colors compatible with sandwich panels coatings – flashings 0.50 – 0.75 mm thick;;
  • any RAL colors – flashings 0.50 – 2.00 mm thick powder-coated;
  • unpainted galvanized – flashings 0.75 – 2.00 mm thick
  • non-painted stainless steel – 0.80 and 1.50 mm thick flashings
RAL 9002
RAL 9010
RAL 9001
RAL 9006
RAL 1015
RAL 7035
RAL 1002
RAL 1021
RAL 3000
RAL 3011
RAL 5010
RAL 5012
RAL 6029
RAL 7016
RAL 7024
RAL 7040
RAL 8017
RAL 9007

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